Friday, January 7, 2022

Battle Of Braum's

Battle of Braums (our local icecream shop) 

I stepped on the scales, my clothes were tight.

 I read the numbers, this couldn’t be right!

 I cried and wailed and I did scream

 “It couldn’t be my Braums ice cream.”

 I weighed again, the scales read the same

 Even neked, it said I’d gained! 

 Where’s my indoor bike, where could it be?

 Way down in the shed, I could not see.

 Back to the house I did park it

. Climbed upon it, and took off like a rocket. 

 My legs were like jelly, my heart was racing. 

 This bicycle ride I am hating.

 I was proud of how far, and long I’d sped,

 My legs were aching, they felt like lead. 

 I looked at the clock... the battery has died...

 That can’t be a twenty second ride

 Rabbit food is all I’ll eat, 

Vegetables only, no more meat!! 

 On the TV...I can’t believe it..

. Braums I see... tomorrow I’ll diet!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, of course! It's always tomorrow!
    Did you write this? Very good.
