Sunday, April 13, 2014

Clutter Free??

I've been a flybaby fluttering and flopping, flying and stalling for fourteen years. You would think I would have the hang of flying at this point... um NO. I'm a wanna be Born Organized.

I can't imagine parting with my old roller blades and padding, the Grandchildren might want Mimom to skate with them someday. Don't suggest I part with ONE cookbook, I might actually crack one eventually. You know the drill. I might need it one day and when I do, I'll be sorry. Better to be safe than sorry right? My thoughts exactly.

Now I'm at my abode, staring at all this stuff, of course none of it is in it's home, some of it never did have a home. We come home do laundry, some of it goes back with us, most of it stays home... right where we left it.

Digging under my kitchen sink, I discovered... a snake! I don't care that he was very dead and very dried out stuck in a glue trap! He was UNDER my sink! I threw away the Tupperware pitcher I used to toss the glue trap with the snake firmly attached.

(I've dealt with 7 snakes in our old house, I do NOT want to begin that tradition again. Maybe if I'd stop using glue traps I wouldn't have a snake problem, or one that I know about.

I couldn't rest knowing I had snake... goo under my sink...(no evidence but I could imagine it well enough.)

It was the beginning of cleaning out every cabinet, cupboard, drawer in my kitchen. I put back the things I've actually used in the past year. The rest went into an I don't know box. I've decided to donate it without looking back.

The next day, I started on my living room. I went through all the stuff we've dropped when we get off the truck, if I can't find it a home, it's going to a new home.

My inspiration came from a group on Facebook,

I learned of a blog from that group

When I nearly gave up, he posted something inspired me to continue my quest to let the stuff go and live simpler and happier.

I let go of everything I don't love or need. It hasn't been easy but so well worth it.

A week later, and I really love the house, I've hated since we downsized four years ago.

The shed is full of stuff to be donated to charity.

I realized today, our finances are in order, we've been debt free sixteen days.

My house is clutter free.

My life truly is getting more amazing every day.

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